We are offering a few free demo classes for with the Music Together program (the first on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 @ 10:00). We are hoping for a positive response so I we can offer the classes on a weekly basis (Spring semester, tentative start mid-March).
Music Together
Music Together family classes are filled with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their grownups. All free to move, sing, play instruments, and have fun. Make beautiful music with your children in one of our joyful, research-based classes. Toddlers learn by watching others and by playing and experimenting. Just imagine how much they could learn in a music class where children from birth to age 5 are all participating at their own levels—singing, moving, listening, observing, and exploring musical instruments in a welcoming and supportive environment. Our Mixed-age Class is just right for your toddler.